Attitudes Of Teacher Candidates Towards Art Education

Attitudes Of Teacher Candidates Towards Art Education

These results show that optimizing online learning environments, supporting teachers’ basic psychological needs and mental engagement can significantly enhance their professional development. Because of current prevailing educational and negative financial trends, a concern for the place of the fine arts in the curricula of the nation’s public schools has been evidenced among various writers and curriculum experts. Music, visual arts, drama, and dance classes were being indiscriminately eliminated from educational instructional programs throughout the country.

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  • Relationship between academic performance, psychological well-being, and coping strategies in medical students.
  • However, teachers are often overloaded with work, and many of them need the necessary training in using new educational technologies.
  • Well-being is part of these psychological mechanisms and is considered a combination of feelings that can support work performance.
  • Learning online may also change teachers’ assumptions and beliefs, as well their practice of face-to-face teaching .
  • It also have not generated long-term and lasting impact on pedagogy (Duncan-Howell, 2020).

In addition, the study examines how the students fit the arts into their own developing sense of masculinities. The study attempts to provide insight into the unique opportunities that a single sex school provides young men in the area of art and music education, as well as providing an understanding of the value of courses in art and music in the development of young men. The study is conducted when COVID was spreading around the world, which may have influenced the participants’ mental state and their attitudes.

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There were four dimensions to the questionnaire, namely, the environment, need satisfaction, mental engagement, and behavior, including eight subscales. Each subscale was adapted from a part of the questionnaires designed by Jeno et al. , Ryan et al. , Valtonen et al. , Watson and Clark , Keller , and Huang et al. . These questions were revised to conform to the characteristics of online learning and Chinese educational culture. The teachers responded to questions about online learning using a five-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5 . See Supplementary Table 2 for the subscales and Supplementary Material for the complete questionnaire. By contrast, public funding of the arts is more controversial and attitudes are more complex, as they require survey respondents to balance their largely positive views of the arts and their largely negative attitudes towards government.

Online Learning Environment And Technology

Repeated every three years or so, such baseline research would require minimal annual investment. People in the opinion-making business would never settle for a survey designed merely to make their candidate or product look good. Instead, they recognize that the purpose of research is to inform the design of strategies of persuasions by understanding the views of the people they want to reach.

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Previous research has highlighted that the mental engagement of teachers is closely related to their working environment and motivation (Trucchia et al., 2013; Barbieri et al., 2019). Studies have shown that teachers’ well-being and satisfaction are positively related to work performance, and the same is true for art teachers. This indicated mental engagement contributes to active involvement in the online learning process (Sun et al., 2019). Third, this study reveals that an online learning program is an important way for art teachers to develop their content knowledge. The community of online learning is formed among learners, and the interaction among these learners is significantly increased, which leads to higher self-efficacy and satisfaction . In the online learning program studied here, teachers can not only participate in online learning activities but can also actively reflect on their learning and form a community to exchange experiences.

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Fine arts courses, as well as other electives, were being affected negatively within the state. The level of support from political policy-makers and educational experts for arts education was central to this study, because these individuals influenced education in Nevada in a number of ways. The opinions of these individuals were vital to ascertain the support for fine arts education in Nevada. Thus, an analysis of the attitudes towards fine arts education of Nevada state Senators, Assemblymen, Lobbyists, Superintendents, School Board Trustees, Principals, Fine Arts Educators, and Other Educators in Nevada’s public schools was undertaken. The pandemic in 2020 made online learning the widely used modality of teaching in several countries and it has also entered the spotlight of educational research.

But it is still a complex system for teachers’ professional learning and the change of environment may influence teachers’ psychological process. For example, in a study of virtual learning environments, researchers discovered that 3D virtual reality technology contexts can meet or hinder specific psychological needs of learners, which in turn influences learners’ participation and behavior (Huang et al., 2018). In the fight against the 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, countries have replaced traditional face-to-face education with distance education as a defense tool.

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Relationship between academic performance, psychological well-being, and coping strategies in medical students. MoW carried out formal analysis, investigation, methodology, and writing original draft preparation. MiW thoroughly edited the original manuscript to ensure that it reaches the standard of publishing.